This page explains the cookie policy of which is in accordance with the Privacy and Electronic Commission (EC Directive) (Amendment) Regulations 2011.
- What is a cookie?
- Cookies on this website
- Why does TheCanvasPrints use cookies?
- We use cookies responsibly
- We respect your decision
- Managing your cookies
- Disable third-party cookies
A cookie is a piece of information. They are in the form of very small text files that are placed on the internet user’s hard drive by the web page server. It is your unique identification number that lets the server know the number of times you have visited the particular website.
This website is using two types of cookies:
- Session Cookies: These cookies are only temporary. They are stored in the computer’s memory during a user’s browsing session. These cookies expire and are automatically deleted from the user’s computer at the end of the browsing session. Session cookies store a session ID, allowing the user to surf through the pages without having to log-in again and again. They are never written on the hard drive nor do they collect any information from the user’s computer. These cookies expire if the session has been inactive for a specific length of time usually 20 minutes.
- Persistent Cookies: These files are stored in one of your browsing subfolders. You can delete them manually. Your browser can also delete these files based on the time period contained within the persistent cookie’s file.
We use cookies to give you a whole new shopping experience. To order products on TheCanvasPrints, you need to have cookies enabled. They are used to track items that have been added to the cart and make the check out process easier when you return to our website.
We use cookies to provide you with a better customised service in the long run. We analyse the website visits and clicks to see customer preferences. They help us display content relevant to you.
TheCanvasPrints uses cookies for the sole purpose of facilitating its visitors/clients. A cookie does not store any personal information such as your e-mail address, business address or phone number. Take a look at the section on Managing cookies towards the bottom of this page for more information.
It is all for you to decide not to accept a cookie. You will still be able to browse our website but will be unable to purchase any product online.
However, you may still place an order by contacting us
a) Make sure the cookies are enabled for PCs:
- If you are using Google Chrome:
- At the top of browser window, click ‘Tools’ and select ‘Options’
- Click ‘Under the Hood’ tab, locate the Privacy section, and select the ‘Content settings’ button
- Select ‘Allow local data to be set’
- If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, 7.0, 8.0
- At the top of browser window, click ‘Tools’ and select ‘Internet Options’, then click on the Privacy Tab
- Ensure that your privacy level is set to medium or below, this will enable cookies in your browser
- Settings above Medium will disable cookies
- If you are using Mozilla Firefox
- At the top of your browser window, click ‘Tools’ and select ‘Options’
- Then select the Privacy icon
- Click on cookies, then select ‘Allow sites to set cookies’
- At the top of the browser window click the ‘Cog’ icon and select the ‘Preferences’ option
- Click on ‘Security’, then check the option that says, ‘Block third-party and advertising cookies’
- Click ‘Save’
b) How to check cookies are enabled for MACs:
- If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 on OSX
- At the top of the browser window, click ‘Explorer’ and then select ‘Preferences’ option
- Scroll down until you see ‘Cookies under Receiving Files’
- Select the ‘Never ‘Ask’ option
- If you are using Safari on OSX
- At the top of the browser window click ‘Safari’ and select ‘Preferences’ option
- Click on ‘Security’ and Accept cookies’
- Select the ‘Only from site you navigate to’
- If you are using Mozilla and Netscape on OSX
- At the top of the browser window, click ‘Mozilla’ or ‘Netscape’ and select ‘Preferences’ option
- Scroll down until you see cookies under ‘Privacy and Security’
- Select ‘Enable cookies for the originating website only’
- At the top of the browser window, click ‘Menu’ and select ‘Settings’
- Then select ‘Preferences’, select the ‘Advanced’ tab
- Then select ‘Accept cookies’ option
c) All other browsers:
- Please consult your documentation or online help files.
While visiting, you may notice some cookies that are not related to TheCanvasPrints. These are third-party cookies and are not placed by us. It is therefore suggested that you look at those third-parties' websites for information regarding these cookies and how you can manage them. Some third parties that may place cookies on your computer include; YouTube and Face book. Most modern browsers allow you to block third-party tracking cookies.
If there are any further questions and comments, contact our free online customer service.